We are thrilled to announce that MusicProfessor Level 1 Wind, String, and Percussion videos are now available to all of our MakeMusic Cloud subscribers! These videos were thoughtfully created by master music educators and include a supplementary PDF book to follow along with. Learn more about the Music Professors featured in the videos here!
How to access
All MakeMusic Cloud paid subscriptions will have access to this entire video library. You can find the videos in the navigation bar by clicking on Video lessons.
Choose an instrument and you’ll be taken to a page with all available videos for that instrument.
Choose a video from the instrument page to get started with (they appear in sequential order).
At the top right of each instrument’s page is a Download Course Companion PDF button. This is where you can access the supplementary PDF materials that go alongside each course.
How to share with students
These videos all have a quick-to-copy link at the top right that you can use to share with your students however is easiest for you! Clicking the Copy link button will save the shareable link to your clipboard. Any user with a paid MakeMusic Cloud subscription can view these video lessons!
Users can access the videos on their own through the navigation menu and Video lessons page.
Mobile Compatible!
These videos can be easily viewed on mobile devices! Log in and go check them out today!