When it comes to grading and assessing your students, there may be instances where you’ll need to do so in an unbiased, anonymous manner. As school districts in Texas began implementing a Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) program this year—where teachers can earn incentive pay based on student growth—we supported this effort by developing a feature for platform administrators that removes students’ identifiable information (names) from class Gradebooks, making the grading and growth tracking process completely blind.
“Hiding user information allows our teachers to be more objective when they evaluate their own student’s assignments. By keeping submissions anonymous, Lubbock ISD is able to distribute district-wide assessments through SmartMusic that can be graded by any qualified staff member without bias. This tool is helping us to identify where our instructional gaps are for specific groups of students.”
—Andrew Babcock, Executive Director of Fine Arts, Lubbock ISD, TX
Use cases for hiding student data:
- TIA Programs
- Placement tests
- Auditions
- Ranking student scores
- Unbiased grading
How does it work?
For step-by-step instructions, please see our Knowledge Base Article.